Saturday, August 6, 2011

What do you think i should do?

today i went to the clinic for what i thought was a bacterial infection. And sure enough she said she saw bacteria and yeast? which she didnt say whether i had a yeast infection but just that she saw some. Anyway i havent had any of the symptoms for a yeast infection but i have all the symptoms for bv(bacterial vaginoisis) and she prescribed me antibiotics for that and said to use monistat and antibiotics for 7 days. Now since im not having the cottage cheese like discharge which is supposed to be a clear sign of YI. The BV symptoms include: Mild itchy burning feeling and fishy ordor ONLY after unprotected sex.Which by the way im married so i can do that. But do you think its safe to first take antibiotics and then if other symptoms occur like YI take monistat. Im asking because do to not having insurance i was forced to go down to my county health dept. I just feel that they are a little less equipped and knowlegable as regular doctors offices. just want advice, input,what would you do?

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